Trade Fairs

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday
Open from 09:00 - 16:00
Open from 09:00 - 15:30
Saturday and Sunday


Call us for more information about prices.

Contact Information



With its location in the heart of Copenhagen, DGI Byen is an ideal place to hold trade fairs - both large and small. We have many years of experience holding trade fairs, and we are happy to help with the planning and organisation of such events.

Room overview at DGI Byen

Here you can find an overview of our meeting rooms/conference venues, including the number of people they can accommodate, floor space, number of different possible setups, etc. We look forward to receiving your request.

Room overview

With only 50 metres to Copenhagen Central Station and 20 minutes to the airport, DGI Byen is an excellent choice for the location of your trade fair. The logistics are arguably as good as it gets, making it easier for your trade fair at DGI Byen to attract lots of visitors. Your guests and standholders also have the opportunity to spend their nights at DGI Byen’s own hotel, and parking is readily available at our own car park.

Quite a few venues at DGI Byen are suited for trade fairs: CPH Conference, Øksnehallen and our sports halls, and all of them can easily be combined. Contact us to find out more or for booking enquiries. We look forward to welcoming you and your guests.

Welcome to DGI Byen

The map below shows the location of our facilities: DGI Byen, DGI Byen’s Café, Athletics Centre (Idrætshuset), Sports Centre (Sporthuset), Gymnastics Centre (Gymnastikhuset), Shooting Range (Skyttehuset), Meeting Centre (Forsamlingshuset), CPH Hotel, CPH Conference, CPH Bowling, Vestauranten, Cark Park, Building 55 and Øksnehallen. DGI Byen is located in the heart of Copenhagen, 50 metres from Copenhagen Central Station.

Find us
CPH ConferenceØksnehallenVandkulturhusetCPH HotelParkeringshusParkeringspladsBilletsalgIdrætshusetSpisehusetVestaurantenBygning 55Træningshuset For- samlings- huset CaféDGI Byens Administration Skyttehuset, kælder SportshusetCPH BowlingGymnastikhuset Hotel Lounge Tietgensgade Københavns Hovedbanegård (50 m) TietgensgadeIngerslevsgadeIngerslevsgadeStaldgadeMod Halmtorvet