VandDisco in Vandkulturhuset

September 14th

Opening hours


18:30: Doors open, and you can change into swimwear
19:00: The music starts, and the party begins
20:50: The party ends, and you can change back into your clothes

Saturday, September 14th 2024 - buy tickets here.
November 2nd 2024



+45 3329 8080
09.00 - 16.00
09.00 - 15.30

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Vandkulturhuset hosts a wide range of activities for children, teens, and adults throughout the year. One of our recurring events is the VandDisco for young people aged 9-14.
We close the entire swimming pool and set the lights and beats for two hours of fun, where everyone with a ticket can join.

Mark your calendar!

September 14th - buy tickets here.
November 2nd - Tickets will be on sale soon.


Program for VandDisco

18:30: Doors open, and you can change into swimwear
19:00: The music starts, and the party begins
20:50: The party ends, and you can change back into your clothes

Practical information

Ticket Price:  
145 DKK entrance fee, including 1 bag of popcorn and 1 slush ice.

Bring a 20 DKK coin for the lockers in the changing rooms.


The young participants can enjoy the party in a controlled environment. Our team of trained lifeguards will be present and ready to assist if needed.

Please note: There is no right of withdrawal for purchases of food, drinks, and event tickets according to the Consumer Agreement Act.